We born in Brazil,first Mommy and Boss choose me,TOBI, but they love me so much that they worry of me be alone so they went back and get my brother BOBI to stay with me. I didn’t like that idea, prefer to have Mommy ans Boss just for me, but I have to say that some time it’s fun to have BOBI around. I don’t think so, Mommy and Boss went back and got me because they need an energetic, friendly and athletic shepherd around. Not a lazy guy that only sleep and eat, you looks like a dog version of Garfield. Well.. as you guy can see TOBI and BOBI fight almost all the time, even here on their website. But it’s only happen at home, out side with other pets and humans they are super friendly and kind.
ジャーマンシェパード兄弟TOBI&BOBIが、お洒落わんこサイト「ワンコnowa」のシェパード図鑑の表紙になりました!🐾 シェパードの性格や寿命、警察犬としての特徴など、詳しく紹介されています。さらに、愛犬と行ける場所や役立つ情報も満載です!ぜひチェックしてみてください!